Greetings fellow colleagues and friends!
As a veterinarian in service for last 20+ years, I believe that we are indeed a unique breed of professionals with a wide range of skills, knowledge and capability. Having gone through rigorous training as an undergraduate, the aspiring professional now has to make many tough decisions as to how and where he/she plans to develop and practice his/her skills throughout the career.
The life of a veterinarian is never dull. Every day brings new challenges and new opportunities to help animals. Whether it’s helping an animal recover from trauma or educating pet owners on how to best care for their furry friends, veterinarians are constantly working to make a difference in the lives of animals.
World veterinary day is celebrated on the last Saturday of April. Thanks to World Veterinary Association (WVA) for envisioning this day at the beginning of this millineum!.World Veterinary Day has been observed every year since, to mark the importance of Veterinary doctors who serve to protect animals, through the many ways of this profession.
The theme for 2023, “Diversity, Equity and inclusiveness in the veterinary profession” is very timely. Change is inevitable and in the context of MSAVA, we have made great strides in embracing these three values over the years; especially Diversity, when we embarked on developing the veterinary paraprofessional training programme in 2009. Since then, we have trained 30+ veterinary paraprofessionals. Despite this, much still has to be done as an association, as we should not be contended with past laurels.
Veterinarians being the custodians of Animal Welfare, are often the point of reference when the care and wellbeing of an animal in disease or distress is a concern. Let us also embrace the fact, that there are many veterinarians that work in the background, creating better healthcare policies, working through the environment, safety of food, practices of animal transport and thus improving mankind through their unwavering kindness, compassion and spirit.
Let us also take a moment of silence to remember many of our senior veterinarians whom are no more with us. The exco of 2023 and myself, would want to wish all the veterinarians in the country, region and those on the road to recovery! ‘A Happy World Veterinary Day!’
Also, to our Muslim colleagues celebrating the festive season of Hari Raya Aidilfirtri, Selamat Hari Raya.
“May your days be wonderful and healthy like you make it, for all creatures great and small.”
Dr Amilan Sivagurunathan 2021-2023
President MSAVA