For further information please refer to Malaysia Veterinary Council website:
List of Requirements & Supporting Documents for Application Letter of Good Standing (Logs) / Translation of Certificates
Guide to Professional Conduct and Ethics
Directive 1 2015
Companion Animal Premise and Practice Directive
Directive 2 2015
Sale of Drugs Act 1952
Control of Drugs and Cosmetics Regulations 1984
Notification Of Exemption Under Regulation 31
Gazetted List 1
Poison Act 366- 9.5.2019
Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 (Act 234) Revised up to 2006
Sabah Animal Ordinance 1962
English Version
Akta Kebajikan Haiwan 2015
BM Version
CPD Directives 2016
Animal Welfare Act 2015 (Act 772)
English Version