For further information please refer to Malaysia Veterinary Council website:

Guide to Professional Conduct and Ethics
Directive 1 2015

Companion Animal Premise and Practice Directive 
Directive 2 2015

Sale of Drugs Act 1952
Control of Drugs and Cosmetics Regulations 1984

Notification Of Exemption Under Regulation 31
Gazetted List 1

Sale of Drugs Act 1952
Control of Drugs and Cosmetics Regulations 1984
Notification Of Exemption Under Regulation 31
Gazetted List 2

Sale of Drugs Act 1952
Control of Drugs and Cosmetics Regulations 1984
Notification Of Exemption Under Regulation 31
Gazetted List 3

Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 (Act 234) Revised up to 2006

Poison Act 366- 9.5.2019

Akta Kebajikan Haiwan 2015
BM Version

Sabah Animal Ordinance 1962
English Version

Animal Welfare Act 2015 (Act 772)
English Version

CPD Directives 2016